Apprenticeship Case Study – Megan Winup

How long have you worked for GMS?

I have been working for GMS since leaving high school back in 2015, I have been with the business now for nearly 7 years.

What apprenticeship programme are you doing?

When I first started with the business, I completed my level 2 & 3 Business Administration NVQ. I am currently in the final year of my CMDA (Chartered Managers Degree Apprenticeship) at UCB (University College Birmingham)

What made you choose to do an apprenticeship?

Completing an apprenticeship originally never appealed to me. However, from completing some summer work experience when finishing high school with GMS, I actually really enjoyed the working environment, at the end of the summer work experience I was offered an apprenticeship programme and from my experience, I thought it would be a better fit for me rather than going to college to complete my A levels.

Which aspects of the programme do you enjoy most?

Probably the people I work with. We have such a great team and working environment. Other than that, I would say how much I have seen myself grow throughout my apprenticeship because of the skills and experiences I have gained / gone through throughout my journey with the company. I am so grateful for all of the opportunities I have been given whilst working with GMS.

Have you faced any challenges whilst balancing work and study?

Yes, especially when going through my CMDA as this was a whole new level of studying. I think when leaving high school, everyone thinks that apprenticeships are an easy option. They’re not. You’re working full time, studying as well as that and then have your personal life on top! It can be a lot to manage. But GMS have been super supportive in enabling me to balance my work and studying time equally.

What is your long-term career plan and how do you think your apprenticeship will help you achieve your plan?

In total honesty, I haven’t really thought about my long term career aspirations. But I know that the skills, knowledge and experience I have gained from my apprenticeship will set me up for life and will benefit me whichever path I choose to take. I am hoping at the end of my CMDA to move onto complete my Masters in Business. Currently, I am just working through the end of CMDA, absorbing as many skills and working knowledge as I can and just seeing what happens. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for both myself and GMS!