Will thermal imaging technology help you provide a COVID Secure Workplace for your employees?
As the UK enters the next phase of its coronavirus response, many believe that fever screening technology will play a crucial role in helping employers mitigate the risk of infection whilst providing a safe & secure workplace.
Now the Government is encouraging certain sectors to return to work, business owners will be planning how they can do so safely, whilst at the same time, offering their employees cast iron assurances that they take their protection seriously. It is unlikely anyone wants to be responsible for passing on the virus to others, so those returning to work will probably expect certain measures to be put in place to help prevent a second wave of the pandemic.
Businesses who are now able to re-boot production or construction projects will undoubtedly want to maintain a healthy and productive workforce, as well as provide staff with the confidence to return to work.
What tools are available to help employers?
We’ve become accustomed to supermarket aisles having tape on the floor to help shoppers maintain a safe two metre distance, as well as safety screens at the checkout – other work environments may quickly implement similar measures. Printed stickers have been quick to reach the market as a way of reminding people to keep their distance and adverts for a range of gadgets to open doors without touching them are now also being launched. Employees are being encouraged to sanitise work stations, urge people to wash their hands regularly for at least 20 seconds and consider promoting the use of facial coverings in enclosed environments.
But some employers are keen to explore more technologically advanced ways of providing a COVID-19 free workplace. It is no surprise then, that there has been significant interest in fever screening cameras, which have been designed to assist the early detection of virus symptoms (specifically elevated body temperature), and therefore potentially reduce the spread of infection.
Fever screening cameras are designed to detect elevated skin-surface temperatures by identifying individuals with possible EBT (Elevated Body Temperature) and who may, therefore, require further virus/ infection-specific medical testing. Higher than average skin temperatures may indicate EBT, a symptom of many illnesses including COVID-19.
Static fever detection cameras are able to register a number of temperatures at once, which means that staff could essentially walk through an entrance in a queue, whilst maintaining social distancing and be fever screened without having an impact on their working day. The software that accompanies the fever detection cameras enables users to receive an alert when someone shows a high temperature whilst also alerting the person registering a high temperature. The technology is incredibly accurate and can read an individual’s temperature within +/- 0.5 degrees so it’s an ideal preliminary check to be used alongside medical equipment and procedures to help prevent the potential spread of infection.
The handheld fever detection devices are set up to test one person at a time by the operator (who can stand two metres away, following government guidelines) who’ll instantly see a reading. Handheld cameras are ideal for more mobile uses and can be mounted on a tripod. They also have wi-fi connectivity with real-time viewing of footage as well as remote recording and capture and a battery capable of providing up to four hours of continuous use.
The technology itself is not new; it has been used within perimeter detection for years, but following the initial outbreak of the pandemic, manufacturers were quick to respond by adapting the sensitivity of such technology to enable it to be used to detect an anomalous temperature.
As we know, a high temperature is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19 so being able to check the temperature of employees and visitors before they enter a site and deflecting those who may be presenting symptoms, is likely to play a significant role in providing a COVID-19 free workplace.
Which industries are they relevant to?
• Warehouses • Logistics • Construction • Offices • Education • Leisure • Healthcare • Retail • And many more…
What sort of device will suit your environment?
• Handheld camera – Can be mounted on a tripod or operated from a safe distance as well as being very efficient and straightforward to deploy.
• Fixed camera – Options range by focal length as well as bullet or turret designs. Can be installed as a stand-alone system or connected to the existing system and recording devices. Audible alarm feature and/or software on a nearby PC when a high temperature is detected.
• Metal Detector – Straightforward to deploy and can run as a stand-alone system with its own alarm when an anomalous temperature is detected.
How to choose the best solution for your business
Talk to one of our technical team about your environment so we can understand the locations and number of site entrance points, volume of people entering site at any one time, shift patterns, visitor attendance and the support processes which need to be in place to use fever screening solutions effectively.
Next steps
• Watch a webinar to better understand the technology available
• Our technical team can visit your site(s) to advise on the most appropriate solution
• Ask our team for an initial quote
• Request a seven-day free* trial
*fixed devices may be subject to a small installation fee
Get in touch now to find out more:
Please call our team on 01527 889180 or send a message using the form below.