Coronavirus Update for GMS Employees

Dear colleague

Firstly, thank you for your continued hard work during this difficult time.  Even before receiving this email, you are continuing to work as normal and this speaks volumes about your integrity.

Following the PM’s announcement last night, I wanted to write to you to clarify GMS’ position around your roles and the vital service we provide to our clients. We fulfil front line, protective services to many industries, including food production, food logistics, manufacturing and critical national infrastructure – this means that GMS employees ARE classed as key workers and we can continue to deliver our services as normal.

Please keep this email, your rota and your SIA license with you at all times, especially when commuting to and from work, just in case you are asked to demonstrate your key worker status.

Also make sure you have your line manager, contract manager and my telephone number in your phone in case you need further proof.

As businesses change their own working models, it may be that our requirements change and we are actively working with our customers to assess these needs, but, until communication from your line manager, please continue to follow your pre-planned rota and fulfil all shifts that have been allocated to you. If you wish to pick up more work, now is the time to email your supervisor/line manager to make them aware of what availability you have.

The head office function remains fully operable and anything you need, please get in touch as normal and we will deliver. The only change we are making, to protect our employees, is to reduce our face to face management visits so that we do not potentially aid in the spread of the virus.

We will be working from the head office and maintaining contact through phone calls and where possible face time video functions. Be under no illusion, the GMS management team are as dedicated to maintaining our business as you are.

We will get through this together.


Ben Neate