While security work has a traditionally ‘macho’ image, based on authority and physical strength, it is the aim of GMS to raise awareness to help prevent our staff reaching crisis before they seek help with mental health challenges.
Working with West Bromwich-based charity Kaleidoscope Plus Group (KPG), one of the good causes which GMS supports with fundraising, we provide our staff with tips and advice about looking after their mental well-being as well as guidance on how to access a range of support available to those who need it.
We are keen to encourage all our employees to look after their mental health as much as their physical health, especially as they both have a positive impact on each other.
It’s okay not to be okay
Mental health isn’t always easy. It can be difficult to talk about, difficult to understand and can leave you feeling like you’re a little different from everyone else. However, the reality is that battles with mental health are very common.
Reach out, help a mate back up
People who are struggling with mental health issues often mask their feelings and put on a smile, despite how they feel inside, making it difficult to spot when they may need help.
Common signs to look out for: