Mental Health & Well-being Support for GMS Employees

Offering you support if and when you need it most


While security work has a traditionally ‘macho’ image, based on authority and physical strength, it is the aim of GMS to raise awareness to help prevent our staff reaching crisis before they seek help with mental health challenges.

Working with West Bromwich-based charity Kaleidoscope Plus Group (KPG), one of the good causes which GMS supports with fundraising, we provide our staff with tips and advice about looking after their mental well-being as well as guidance on how to access a range of support available to those who need it.

We are keen to encourage all our employees to look after their mental health as much as their physical health, especially as they both have a positive impact on each other.

It’s okay not to be okay

Mental health isn’t always easy. It can be difficult to talk about, difficult to understand and can leave you feeling like you’re a little different from everyone else. However, the reality is that battles with mental health are very common.

Reach out, help a mate back up

People who are struggling with mental health issues often mask their feelings and put on a smile, despite how they feel inside, making it difficult to spot when they may need help.

Common signs to look out for:

  • Long-lasting sadness or irritability

  • Extremely high and low moods

  • Excessive fear, worry, or anxiety

  • Social withdrawal

  • Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits

How to support someone with mental health problems

Reaching out to someone you think may be struggling with their mental health can be daunting, especially if you don’t know how they will respond. However, it can also be such a crucial step in their journey to recovery and they are more likely to thank you for it in the long-term. Asking twice if someone is okay is a really good way to give them the opportunity to open up as well as checking in on them regularly, even if they seem to be okay. Just knowing someone is looking out for them may make it easier to tell you they’re not okay.

Once someone has opened up to you, here are some tips on how to support them.

How to reach out if you think you need help

We often hear people ask “why didn’t they tell me?” when we talk about mental health challenges. It may seem like a simple thing to “tell someone” but in truth, this can be one of the hardest things to initiate.

For some specific phrases you can use to reach out, please click on this link.

Watch our 10-minute video, created by Kaleidoscope Plus Group giving a Mental Health & Well-being overview and some advice on the importance of self-care.

reach, out, mental, health, gms, support

Useful contact numbers and websites

Whether you are trying to cope with a bereavement, miscarriage, terminal illness or managing your money, there is a range of support available either online or via telephone.

This link takes you to a page of useful numbers and websites, offering different types of support.

gms, addiction, help


If you think you may have an addiction, help is available.

This link takes you to a page of useful numbers and websites, offering help to overcome addictions.

Anxiety and Panic

For those suffering from anxiety and panic, this link give you information about some specific support available to you.

anxiety, panic, gms, help