Positive thinking
We cannot stress how important positive thinking is; anxious people tend to always think in a negative fashion, and this only keeps the fears alive and so adds to the problems.
A typical example:
Imagine a sufferer contemplating going to “Tesco’s”. “I can’t because I had a panic attack last time; I know I will feel awful again.” Sufferers see the scene as it happened previously and imagine the scene will be the same again, picturing themselves in a terrible state. So, of course, they don’t go!
Change now to the sufferer who has learnt to accept and handle their anxiety with logical, positive thinking: “I need to go to ‘Tesco’s’, I do feel a bit anxious because last time I had that bad panic attack but I know that I will not come to any harm.” So, armed with all their coping strategies, like the calm breathing exercise they go to “Tesco’s” even though they feel anxious, but the difference is that they feel in control of the anxiety. Perhaps they will set themselves a time limit or not attempt to walk the whole way around the store, using the experience as a step towards their ultimate goal.
Remember, one step at a time. Success builds confidence and confidence makes you feel positive because you know you can go to “Tesco’s” again. You have coped successfully, and the reward is a wonderful feeling of achievement.
This, of course, applies to any situation where you previously panicked – positive thinking changes the way we deal with things. Negative thinking always has a bad effect – it stops us doing the things we want to do. Obviously, some or many of us create our own limitations; after all we can’t all be superhuman beings.
- When you feel the initial fear, drop your shoulders and relax as much as you can. Do the breathing technique (breathing through the Diaphragm)
- Don’t fight the symptoms wait and give them time to pass, don’t run away
- Try and accept the feelings and symptoms because they are not going to harm you
- Remember the feelings and symptoms are normal reactions to stress and anxiety
- Don’t add on frightening thoughts (thinking the worst will happen) the what if’s
- Panic Attacks won’t last a long time if we deal with them properly
- You won’t faint, collapse, have a heart attack or die. Accept panic for what it is
- Nothing else will happen to you but the feelings of anxiety
- Try to believe you are not in danger you have just misinterpreted the situation
- Tell yourself how well you have done. It is a great achievement.