Canine Security
The quality that is most associated with dogs is their extraordinary sense of smell, proving increasingly useful to the security industry.
A dog-handler and their canine companion are an ideal solution for large, sparse sites which require frequent perimeter patrols, those in higher risk locations or potentially more hostile situations.
A canine unit comes equipped with a liveried vehicle kitted out for the canine’s welfare needs. The vehicle acts as an additional deterrent to potential criminals.
This solution is often deployed to customer sites at short-notice and can be booked for short-term or long-term periods, UK wide.
Whether the requirement is to conduct perimeter patrols, search for explosives at a conference, or conduct a passive drugs search of entrants to a place of work or a high density event, GMS canine handlers and their four-legged friends are the perfect partnership to investigate and deter all manner of suspicious or criminal activity.
For more information please call our team on 01384 319187 or send a message using the button below.